She told me so

She told me so

Jenny has been saying to me for the last few weeks that I should really try out my new rucksack. She said, “put some stuff in it and go for a walk”. I said, “good idea, I might”. Well I didn’t. Part of the reason was that I didn’t want to use it, find I didn’t like...
Go west, then east a bit

Go west, then east a bit

The path from Lamorna carried on in the same vane as it’d arrived. Really slippy, lots of polished rocks to climb, and complex parts to navigate. It was a really fun path but not one you could rush. The rocks are so smooth and worn that they seem almost metallic. Unfortunately when it’s wet this makes them very slippy. I knew it was about 10 miles to Lands End and at this rate I wouldn’t be there any time soon.

In comes the mist

In comes the mist

What a great start to the day After packing up a very wet tent we drove down to Porthleven where I’d finished my previous day. Jenny and I have holidayed here before and we found a cafe near a pub called The Ship and had breakfast. The Ship has happy memories for us...
Time to stop?

Time to stop?

The most southerly point of the path I finally made it to Lizard Point. I’d been looking forward to this as, along with getting into each county, Lizard point seemed a significant milestone. I don’t feel especially impressed with myself at the moment but I hope when I...