Mind the gap

30 May 2024

The problem was that the gap was a bit of a nuisance. It’d annoyed me at the time when I couldn’t get from Kimmeridge Bay to Lulworth Cove on the South West Coastal Path. It had only been my first day of proper walking and I’d already failed and had to get a taxi to get round the military training area. But now I’d been updating my website for the return to the coastal path and there was an annoying little section that I had to make a different colour to show I’d not walked it. I wondered when I’d complete it. Bearing in mind that it’s only open at weekends and holidays, and I couldn’t think of an easy way I could tag it onto my next thru-hike.

Then I had a good bad plan.

Window of opportunity

I’m not sure what made me look (I think I was at work and a bit bored) but I decided to see when this section of the path would be open. It’s open most weekends, as I knew, but it was also open for the half term holiday, which is now. I had a look at my shifts and decided that I could probably squeeze it in between them.

It’s a fairly ludicrous idea really but sometimes, when an idea like that comes to me, I don’t seem to be able to turn it down. So, this morning, I finished my night shift at 7am. Got home for 8am, had a bit of sleep and woke up at 12pm, then packed up my bike and headed down to Dorset in order to fill in the gap tomorrow. I’ll head back towards home after the walk tomorrow but I’m going to visit some friends in Bristol on my way and will stay the night so the journey will be good. I’ve not seen Steve and Cate for a couple of years now so it’ll be nice to see them. I’m not sure they’ll feel the same!

I’m not back at work until Monday so I’ve got plenty of time to recover. Although that will be strange because it’ll be my last week working for Rolls Royce after being there for about 23 years.

I know it’s a bit daft doing this little trip but it’s also quite exciting. I think. I got the gene for doing spontaneous things from my Uncle Bernie who used to make long day trips just because he fancied it. I think it makes life more interesting.

It’s not even that far

The part of the coastal path I missed out is actually only 7 miles. I’ll have to walk it twice tomorrow because I’ll need to get back to where I’ve parked my bike and I think it’s fairly hilly so should be a nice workout for me. I’m temped to walk a little longer as well because the views after Lulworth Cove are something quite special and I’d like to see them again. Although I did hear that the stretch that I’m doing tomorrow is partially nice because it doesn’t get walked on as often due to being closed most the year so it’s very unspoilt. I’ll let you know if that’s the case.

I’m really looking forward to getting back to Kimmeridge and I’m wondering how it’ll make me feel being back somewhere I visited as part of that hike. It feels so long ago even though it was only September last year. I hope to turn it into a positive memory because last year I was quite disappointed when I couldn’t get through.

So far so good

I got to the campsite in good time today, around 7pm, and so far I can’t think of anything I’ve forgotten. Time will tell on that one and when I realise I’ve not packed my walking boots I’ll be sure to mention it. Things did look a little ominous when I first left the house and realised I’d left my crash helmet in the lounge. Hopefully nothing less obvious has been left.

Everything is set up now though and I’m happy. This is the first time I’ve used my bike to go camping and hiking so it’s a new experience and I know it’ll take time to optimise my kit and how to pack it. In the same way it’s taken me time to learn how to thru-hike. For example, you can’t forget your walking boots on a backpacking trip because they’re on your feet.

I’ve made a slight error in that the bike is on its side stand leaning towards my tent. The ground it quite solid so hopefully it wont fall on me in the night.

The ride down was very nice. I was a bit tired but it was a nice ride. The traffic was quite bad in places so I’m glad I was on my bike. Always satisfying going through the traffic. I do need to relax more though when I’m doing that. I caught myself grabbing the handle bars tightly at some stages and that is not the way to ride a motorbike. Still plenty of room for improvement. I did learn one technique today though. If you’re in traffic and another bike is behind you, let them past. You can then follow them and learn from their technique – they also create a bit of a gap in the traffic to get through.

Time to retire

I’m sat outside my tent writing this now and watching a family with children. The Dad of the family has not stopped working now for several hours. Not sure what he’s doing but he’s very busy. It’s quite impressive. Not sure how productive he’s being but full marks for energy. He’s rushing around picking things up, putting them down, moving things, pouring things out, filling things up. Actually I’m quite worn out watching him.

They were debating earlier as to what time they should put the kids to bed. I sensed it was the sooner the better!

It’s funny. I used to look at people on their own when I took the boys on camping holidays, before they selfishly became adults. I used to feel sorry for the people on their own. But it’s really nice. At first you feel odd doing it, wondering what people must think, but once you get over that it’s so good. Just a bit of time. It’s healthy I think.

I’m going to get some sleep now. It’s been a long day. I can’t wait for the walk tomorrow. Hopefully the sea air will give my head a good clear out.


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