Disaster in camp

27 April 2023

I was just boiling the water for my last meal. I stood up to put my coat on and the wind blew my chair onto the stove and burnt a big hole in the fabric of the chair. Chair ruined. I then finished boiling the water and poured it into the food packet and it leaked. Not a good meal prep. All was ok though as I just poured it all into the pan and I ate it from there. Upset about the chair though.

So getting close to the finish now. I’ve spotted Whitby and would have seen the sea if it wasn’t so hazy.

I had a really nice walk today. Took my time and tried to enjoy myself.

The campsite is nice. There are only three of us here and the other two have gone out so I’ve got the place to myself. It’s been a nice peaceful night. I even dozed off a minute ago.


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